A pop art poster tutorial for you guys… when I went to a
mall, I saw a pop art poster of a model hanging on a wall. Thanks for the
concept, and I made my own tutorial. We have to use any portrait images, I will
be using image of Ms. Lee Kyeong Min, I don’t own the image, so don’t sue me. I
just searched it on Mr. Google.
Let’s start, open the image on Photoshop.
Duplicate the image. CTRL + J.
EDGES… Then adjust the levels you want… I used edge thickness to 0, edge
intensity = 1, and posterization to 2.
Then go to
IMAGE>>>ADJUSTMENTS>>>POSTERIZE. Set the levels in any value
you want… I put 9. Then hit ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+B to enter black and white effect.
Choose any presets you prefer to use.
Create a new layer above all the layers. Rename it as COLOR
and select the brush. I choose red color, to color the hair using the brush
Then I used yellow color to brushed the dress part. And pink for the lips part.
Light blue for the eye. Then set the layer blending mode to
soft light, then duplicate it then change the duplicated COLOR layer to linear
Here is result of linear burn.
Duplicate the layer and set the layer blending mode to
linear burn and merge the two layers (layers with lips colored pink only)
Then go back to the layer we posterized, not the original
values below…
Then remove the background using the lasso tool…in this
step, I used the polygonal lasso tool…and I select the background.
After selecting, delete the background. And the original
image’s background will appear.
Clean up some mess. And this is the result.
Wow!! nice result..Gives me a clear concept to do this kind of work.