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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - Denizignko (The Avengers logo)

Before THE AVENGERS hits the big screen, I created my own version of THE AVENGERS MOVIE LOGO. I am using my site’s name DENIZIGNKO.
First, I created 10x8 inches drawing area. Then inserted a letter P vector I found in Google. It seems familiar to the logo of PS (Photoshop). Then I rotate it to produce small letter d.

In this step, we need to have guidelines. I used the ruler to have these guidelines below.

Then using the guidelines, I created a new layer and used the polygonal tool to create a triangle and fill it with black.

As you noticed, I add some new guidelines.

ON the same layer I’d created, I created a larger triangle as shown below using polygonal lasso tool.

Then I went back to “d” layer.

 On the “d” layer, press delete.

Remove the guidelines. Here is the clear image for what we’ve done for the previous steps.

Merge the two layers and select the entire vector, excluding the white background. I used magic wand tool for this step.

Hit SHIFT+F5 to fill it, select the color black.


And adjust the perspective of the d vector like I made below.

Let’s resize first the d vector and create a circle mask beside it.

Create a new layer and fill it with black.

Duplicate the circle layer…fill it with white…

Resize the white circle. Using the guidelines, we used to make the center of the black circle and put the white circle above it. As shown below.

Then merge the two circle layers.

Under the circle layer, select the inner circle using magic wand tool, then press delete button.

Next is we moved the circle vector with the d vector.

Then I put some text to complete the DENIZIGNKO word.

After that, we will gonna used the perspective adjustments like we used recently.

In order to designed the circle vector, we switch the color to 50% gray, by selecting the entire circle, hit SHIFT+F5 then fill 50% gray.

I used the polygonal tool for this step. Follow the image below. We will delete the part of the circle that touches the word DENIZIGNKO.

Then press the delete button.

After that, select the circle vector using magic wand tool.

Then fill it with black color.

Then merge all the layers.

Fill the background with gray. Go back to the merged layer and let’s add some effects. BEVEL AND EMBOSS… enter this values…

Go to FILTER>>>BLUR>>>GAUSSIAN BLUR. Just set radius to 2px.

Use some metallic images you have. Just search in Google. Then insert it above the layers.

Go to denizignko layer. Select the background.

Then go back to the metallic image layer.

Press delete button.

Set the metallic layer to SCREEN.

Duplicate it and set the layer blending mode to LIGHTEN.

Under the background layer, fill it with Black.

Create a new layer above all the layers. Fill with a Gradient of White and BLACK.

Then set the layer blending mode to COLOR DODGE.

Duplicate the layer and set the blending mode to COLOR DODGE.


Play around with it and add some effects. Like I did below....